Contract & Waiting List - Sunnybelle AKC Chocolate Shih Tzus

Sunnybelle AKC Chocolate Shih Tzus

Get on the Waiting List

If you want to get in line for a Sunnybelle Shih Tzu puppy, you will need to send me a signed copy of our Contract & Warranty along with a $200 deposit to hold your spot. For instructions on how to place a deposit, click here.

Contract & Warranty

Click the button below to view our Contract & Warranty:

Our Waiting List

If you would like more info about our AVAILABLE PUPPIES, please read our FAQ page and then call/text Molly to set up a phone interview.  
WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL BOYS AVAILABLE now for Limited AKC (pet) only.  Sizes vary from imperial size to standard size.
Our Waiting List is by deposit only and puts you in line to be called when our puppies arrive.
We listen to your preferences and try to match you up with the right puppy. Puppies are estimated to be between 5-12 lbs. adult weight (depending on which litter). This is not a guarantee, only an estimate based on the parent’s and grandparent’s weights and past litt
Deposits for Females

Brenda in LA-(2nd pup parti-wait till late Summer ’25)-Jul ’24
Fernando & Yen in GA-(open to color/boy-after April)-Dec ’24 pending
Jessica in NY-(choc-Apr-Nov timing)-Feb ’25
Alana in NY-(choc)-Mar ’25

Deposits for Males

Sandy & Morgan in FL-(2nd pup-wait till Spring 2026)-Jun ’24
Molly R in TX-(choc after June-open to girl)-Jan ’25

Don't worry about being further down on the list!

Our waiting list will be updated as people get their new puppies. Putting your deposit down puts you in line for that special phone call when pups are born, and insures you WILL get a call when pups are available.

You can tell me what color and size you are wanting and I’ll do my best to match you up with the right litter. There is no way for me to guarantee color or size though in reality so I do appreciate your understanding in this matter.

When puppies are born, we will call our waiting list according to the date your deposit was received, and your description of the puppy you requested. You will need to confirm that day if you want a pup from the available litter and then 1/2 of your balance will be due within 7 days of your puppy’s birth.

If there is a choice to be made between two or more puppies in a litter, your puppy pick will need to be made by the time the puppy is 3-4 weeks old.  If at any time you change your mind and do not take the puppy you requested, you forfeit your deposit and/or any payments you have made. Our waiting list is for serious puppy buyers only.

As the breeder, I reserve the right to pick a male or female from any litter before my waiting list chooses. Thank you for understanding!